Sunday, August 5, 2012

Summer Nail Care

Did you know that your nails grow faster in summer?  Who knew?  We are more active, so circulation is improved and our nails are 'fed' by blood and lymph.  And everything grows better with good nutrition and exercise, right?  So give your summer nails the best care possible with regular moisturizing.  A good quality cuticle oil or cream is essential, but in a pinch, just use olive oil from the kitchen.  Pour a small amount in a finger bowl and put the bowl in the microwave for TEN SECONDS.  (NO more! You don't want to burn yourself!)  Soak your nails in the warm oil for a few minutes and then massage in as much oil as possible.  As you massage those cuticles the blood and lymph will be feeding directly into the matrix where your new nail is being formed. You just fed your nails!  Repeat twice a week and watch the improvement in your cuticles AND your nails. 

Summer Heels

So all those sandals that look so wonderful on you are taking a toll on your heels. Dry? Scratchy? Rough? Not so pretty, huh? So how about a little bit of home care that will not only make them look lovely, but will make you feel pretty pampered as well?  Make a run to your kitchen and find a small bowl.  Mix a little salt (sea salt if you have it) with a little olive oil to make a paste.  Add a few drops of the essential oil of your choice.  (I like Lavender but Peppermint is very refreshing.) Sit out on the patio (or the edge of the tub, but it IS summer!), and soak your feet in some nice cool water (it IS still summer, right?) for a few minutes. You can add a few river rocks or even pea gravel (well washed of course!) to the water so your feet have something to play with. This will also give you a natural REFLEXOLOGY treatment. Yummy! Work on them with a pumice stone or a foot file to smooth the rough areas while they are nice and soft.  Alternate working on callous and soaking if you need to get a lot of rough patches off. Try smoothing the dry skin versus REMOVING callouses.  The callouses are created by friction and are the body's way of protecting itself. If you remove too much your feet WILL hurt!

Take some of your scrub in your hands and starting at the toes, work it into the foot in small circular motions, working up the foot, heel and even up the leg if you feel like it.  Scrub away all of the dry skin. (Did you know the average person exfoliates 17 MILLION dry skin cells a day? Who knew?) Rinse in cool water.  Pat dry with a fluffy towel.  You will feel amazing and your feet will adore you!

*If you prefer, you may substitute sugar for the salt.  Sugar is a natural Glycolic acid, so it dissolves the 'glue' that adheres dry skin cells together. The glycolic acids continue to work for a few days after you are all done pampering yourself.  The Sea Salt helps replace trace elements and minerals in the skin, so either way, you win.  Don't you just LOVE winning?