Sunday, August 5, 2012

Summer Nail Care

Did you know that your nails grow faster in summer?  Who knew?  We are more active, so circulation is improved and our nails are 'fed' by blood and lymph.  And everything grows better with good nutrition and exercise, right?  So give your summer nails the best care possible with regular moisturizing.  A good quality cuticle oil or cream is essential, but in a pinch, just use olive oil from the kitchen.  Pour a small amount in a finger bowl and put the bowl in the microwave for TEN SECONDS.  (NO more! You don't want to burn yourself!)  Soak your nails in the warm oil for a few minutes and then massage in as much oil as possible.  As you massage those cuticles the blood and lymph will be feeding directly into the matrix where your new nail is being formed. You just fed your nails!  Repeat twice a week and watch the improvement in your cuticles AND your nails.