Sunday, December 9, 2012

Winter Dry Skin

Winters are harsh on our skin; cold dry air creates very dry flaky skin and often results in deep painful fissures on fingers and heels. So what is the solution? Exfoliation and Moisturization.

Start by soaking feet or hands in solution of 50% Apple Cider Vinegar and hot water to soften dry skin.  The vinegar kills bacteria and restores the ph balance of the skin.  Use a pumice stone while feet are soft to remove and smooth softened calluses.

Stir up a thick paste of granulated sugar and olive oil.  (You may add a few drops of your favorite essential oils.  Lavender and tea tree are anti-bacterial.)  Rub feet or hands vigorously with paste to exfoliate dry skin and replace moisture.  Finish by massaging in a thick moisturizing cream.

For a special finish, slip plastic bags over moisturized feet or hands, put on thick warm socks or gloves and wrap in warm towels. Put your feet up and watch a movie while the heat opens the pores and allows the sink to absorb all those lovely moisturizers.

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